Our Ministries
We are all called to minister.
Here at Cornerstone Community Church we are committed to equipping and releasing His people to minister according to their gifting and abilities.
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We believe all ages should be involved in ministry. There are a number of opportunities for youth to develop their ministry gifts and participate in ministry.
Our children’s ministry team loves and teaches children well. Sunday morning services include Children’s Church (ages 3-K). Though we do not have a regular nursery care provider, a nursery room is available for parents to utilize.

“Family” is an inclusive term. It matters not if you are single, married, young, old, have children of your own or none. You are of the Household of God. God’s desire is for His family to come together in fellowship, to love one another, teach one another, admonish one another, edify one another, encourage one another…… Our desire is to train and release children in the services of the Lord. Parents are an integral part of that process. Family Night is where we come together to achieve these things.

Men have a variety of opportunities for fellowship and service such as building & maintenance projects, men’s breakfasts, camp-outs, foreign missions trips and more.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The first Saturday of each month the men meet at 7:00 A.M. to cook a hearty breakfast, fellowship and pray for one another.

There are a variety of opportunities for women to gather for small group study in homes, the local coffee shop, or at the church.
For women with limited time due to employment and family obligations, we have a group reading through the Bible using the “YouVersion” Bible app, “Let’s Read the Bible Together.”

Community Service
Throughout the year, Cornerstone participates in community wide projects supporting Helping Hands, Ministerial Association Emergency Assistance, Back to School Student Back Pack & Supplies, Operation Christmas Child and a number of immediate care services.

We Believe – Principles in Christian Living
This class is an opportunity for you to get acquainted with Pastors Mark & Debbie and the family of Cornerstone Community Church. This twelve week course will provide you with a good foundation for becoming that mature Christian whose life and actions reflect Christ. As a result of your efforts, you will be able to competently share your faith with your friends. It is our hope this disciplined type of study will encourage you to develop a lifetime devotion to the study of God and His Word.
658 N. 8th Street, Albia, IA 52531
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